Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

What are Crustaceans?

Throughout the oceans, there are a wide variety of creatures that each have very unique characteristics, from fish to mammals, reptiles to molluscs, but today we’re here to explore a particularly fascinating type of aquatic animal: crustaceans. Crustaceans are a group of animals characterised by their hard exoskeleton, seen in species such as crabs and … Continued

Your Guide to the Diverse Family of Tetra Fish

There are hundreds of different species of tetra fish, some with very unique appearances and characteristics. At Hastings Aquarium you can see a great number of these fish right here in our exhibits, but for now, let’s learn a little more about this diverse family of fish and what makes them so interesting. What is … Continued

Meet the Pipefish: Everything You Need to Know

Oceans are home to one of the widest range of creatures on the planet, with huge variation even within species. Each species is uniquely adapted to its specific environment, whether that be diet, temperature or vegetation. The pipefish is no different in this regard. An instantly recognisable fish, the pipefish stands out for its odd-looking … Continued

Nine fascinating facts about Green Moray Eels!

Here are nine fascinating facts about Green Moray Eels (Gymnothorax funebris) – the first is that they’re not actually green! Instead, their skin is usually brown or grey with a yellow tint. The greenish hue comes from a yellowish mucus that covers their bodies, (eww!!)  giving them a distinct appearance. The Eels Length and Size … Continued

Octopus Quiz: Do You Know Your Octopus Facts?

The octopus has been on this earth for an incredibly long time, with ancestors of this majestic creature spanning back to around 330 million years. They are fascinating and beautiful to look at, with their rounded bodies and long arms. While many octopuses live along the ocean floor, there are some that live much closer … Continued

How Big is an Octopus? Comparing the World’s Octopuses

Octopuses are some of the most intriguing and fascinating creatures on the planet, with its name literally meaning “eight legs” in Greek. With many different types of octopus out there in the world’s oceans, each species has its own interesting features and characteristics. Octopuses come in all different shapes and sizes, not to mention their … Continued

Types of Seahorses and How They Differ

Aside from the fact that they’re kind of adorable, how much do you really know about seahorses (Hippocampus)? Did you know, for instance, that they don’t have stomachs? Or that they’re infamously awful at swimming? And were you aware that there are 47 distinct species of seahorses, of which 14 were discovered in the last … Continued

Which Sea Creatures can be Found off the Coast of Hastings?

Here at Hastings Aquarium, we’re in a very fortunate position. Not only are our wonderful exhibits brimming with rare, colourful and exotic species, but we’re a mere hop, skip and jump away from the English Channel – where a whole host of native and migratory creatures can be found. And that got us thinking: which … Continued

What is an Archerfish? 5 Facts You Should Know

The oceans are full of marine life that we still don’t know much about, and there’s no doubt a number of species that you’ve never heard of! One such creature is the archerfish, which is a very unique species indeed. Archerfish (Labrus jaculator) belong to a tropical fish family, consisting of just 10 species. Also … Continued

An exciting new addition to Hastings Aquarium!

There is much excitement at Hastings Aquarium this summer as we welcome our newest, most enigmatic resident—the common octopus. This amazing animal is about to grace the aquarium with its astonishing intelligence, adaptive abilities, and mesmerizing presence. Our team of experts at Hastings Aquarium are gearing up to provide an inviting new home for this … Continued

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