Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Beach Clean

Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is appealing for volunteers to take part in a beach clean this weekend.
Staff from Blue Reef have organised the event for 10am on Saturday, May 23rd on the stretch of beach beside the aquarium and they’re hoping to attract a large number of local people to come along and give their support.
Volunteers will be issued with collecting bin bags, a pair of gloves and a reporting form to record their finds.
“Hastings Council has kindly agreed to provide us with a selection of litter picking tools and we need some energetic volunteers to come along and lend a hand,” said Blue Reef’s Leanna Lawson.
“The plan is to meet up at the aquarium at 9.45am on the day so everyone can be registered and issued with cleaning items, datasheets and beach clean booklets.
“All the rubbish that we collect on the day will be brought back to the aquarium where it will be separated out and individually itemized.
“After that we will recycle as much of it as we possibly can while the rest will be disposed of safely in an extra refuse container” she added.
The event has been arranged as part of the Marine Conservation Society’s ‘Great British Beach Clean’ initiative.
Anyone under the age of 17 who wants to take part will need to be accompanied by an adult. Volunteers are asked to contact Blue Reef to confirm their attendance prior to the event. They should also wear sensible footwear and clothing and bring sunscreen if the weather is hot.

  • The beach clean event is due to take place on Saturday, May 23rd from 10am (meet in aquarium café for 9.45am). Anyone interested in taking part should contact the aquarium direct prior to the event on 01424 718776.

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