Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Blue Reef is Re-Opening!

We are delighted to announce that Blue Reef is BACK. As of Wednesday 2nd of December, 2020 we will be re-opening our doors again, as safely as possible, to all of our wonderful visitors.

What’s new at Blue Reef Aquarium?

Being home to thousands of animals, working life hasn’t stopped for the Blue Reef Team. We’ve been busy looking after all the animals as well as carrying out essential maintenance and repairs about the building. We’ve even donned our bibs and braces and have given much of the interior a fresh lick of paint in preparation for re-opening.

Senior Aquarist, Rob, preparing a feast fit for a fish!

As well as making the Aquarium as Covid-safe as possible for our staff and visitors alike (Read our Covid-19 precautions below), there have been a few additions to the Aquarium recently – both in sealife and human form!

We’re delighted to have taken on six baby Seahorses! We have two separate species; Fuscus and Lined seahorses. These are extremely popular animals – they’re currently only 5cm tall but can grow up to 30cm!

We also have a new addition to the Blue Reef Team! Matt has joined us as our Catering and Retail Manager. During lockdown he’s been getting to grips with how everything works at Blue Reef (as well as painting his office) and now that we’re ready to re-open, he’s raring to go!

Blue Reef Online

During Lockdown, we’ve been keeping ourselves busy, launching our weekly Lockdown Livestream feeds on facebook as well as a competition alongside Knockhatch Adventure Park. We’re giving away family annual membership for both Blue Reef and Knockhatch! The competition is still live and there’s still time to enter so head over to our Facebook page and get involved! We’ve also launched our new advert where you can see the animals in all of their beauty – see the video here.

Lauren and Freddie about to feed the Archerfish during a Lockdown Livestream

Check out our *NEW* promo video!

COVID19 – Guidance & Precautions

Please take time to read all of our Covid-19 precautions before visiting the aquarium.

Please note that in line with Government Legislation face coverings must be worn whilst in all indoor areas. You will  be required to wear a face covering when you visit our Aquarum (with the exception of children under 11 years and those with medical or other exemptions). Please help us to keep you, other visitors and The Blue Reef Aquarium team safe during your visit by observing the following measures:

  •  If you are feeling unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms please do not enter, please do not put our team or other visitors at risk.
  •  If you witness anyone appearing unwell or displaying COVID-19 symptoms during your visit please let us know.
  • To help keep you safe we have separate entrance and exit doors, please use the correct one at all times.
  • We have set a one way route around the aquarium and marked positions to give you guidance on self distancing from others whilst you are with us.
  • Please remain in your visiting group and keep together around our exhibits. We expect excited children, but keep them close.
  • Please observe the social distancing separation with our team members unless we have provided a screen.
  • At tills can we ask that only one member of your group approaches the counter and you adhere to queue position guidance where our preferred method of payment is by card. Contactless card payment is ideal.
  • In the aquarium if you need assistance from a team member please raise your hand and do not approach them. We will be happy to help.
  • Hand Hygiene is essential, please make use of the hand sanitising gel stations and hand washing facilities around the aquarium.
  • Make a conscious effort to ensure you and all members of your group avoid where possible the touching of hard surfaces including aquarium glass.

To enhance your visit we are undertaking feeds every day, please see the information board by the admissions desk.

Let us know if you have any concerns.

Stay Safe and have a great Aquarium experience!

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