Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Sharky Joins George

A metre-and-a-half-long nursehound called ‘Sharky’ is the newest arrival at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. After spending time in quarantine, the adult male nursehound was released in to a large open-top display alongside another male named George. Staff named the new arrival ‘Sharky’ after the other titular character in the 1980s cartoon show ‘Sharky & George’. … Continued

Hastings Castle Play – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Hastings Castle will be transformed into ancient Athens for an outdoor performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ later this year. The castle ruins are playing host to Chapterhouse Theatre Productions who will be staging one of Shakespeare’s best-loved romantic comedies on Sunday, September 4th. This year marks the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and in … Continued

Royal Births Due Next Month

Staff at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium are preparing themselves for no fewer than three royal births next month. The royals in question are a trio of royal python snake eggs which are being looked after in an incubator and are due to hatch out at the end of July. The eggs are the first to … Continued

June Beach Clean

Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is once again inviting local people to take part in a beach clean this weekend. Staff from the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction have organised the event for 10am on Saturday, June 11th on the stretch of beach beside the aquarium. The last event, back in April, proved so popular they are … Continued

May Half Term Event

Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium is going green for the May Half Term holidays (Saturday, May 28th– Sunday, June 5th). The Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction is marking World Environment Day on June 5th and World Oceans Day on June 8th. The popular TV show Octonauts has joined forces with the organisers of World Oceans Day to … Continued

New Arrivals – ‘Smiling’ Tiger Salamanders

A pair of tiger salamanders has gone on display at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. Originally from America, the tiger salamander is the world’s largest species and can reach lengths of up to 30 centimetres. As well as being the biggest they also have the reputation for being the happiest as they appear to have a … Continued

Bumper Haul for Blue Reef Beach Clean

A record number of volunteers helped staff from Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium collect 35 bags of rubbish in just 90 minutes as part of their latest beach clean event at the weekend. A total of 46 people, including nine members of Hastings 1st Scouts and lots of young families, joined forces with aquarists from the … Continued

Volunteers Needed At Aquarium

If you have passion for the aquatic world then Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium would like to hear from you. The Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction is on the lookout for volunteers to join their zoological team. They will get the opportunity to work with an amazing array of creatures including a wide variety of both tropical … Continued


An extremely rare albino shark has gone on display at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium. The native dogfish, which measures close to a metre in length, is bright white and has red eyes. Nicknamed ‘Casper’ by keepers, after the friendly ghost, the little white shark shares his spacious new home with a collection of triggerfish. “True … Continued

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