OPEN NOW! 10:00 – 17:00

Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Breeding Programme For British Pipefish

Aquarists at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium have set up a breeding programme for one of the UK’s most unusual fish species The Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction has taken delivery of 30 native pipefish. Pipefish are straightened-out members of the seahorse family and like seahorses it is the male rather than the female which gives birth … Continued

Big Daddy Ray Joins Offspring

A giant southern stingray has joined his offspring at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. Earlier this year a quintet of captive-bred baby stingrays were donated to the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction by their sister Blue Reef Aquarium in Newquay. Now the babies’ father, who measures more than a metre across, has also made the long journey … Continued

Shark Week Feb Half Term

Visitors to Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium will have the chance to immerse themselves in a world of sharks and rays over the February Half Term Holidays (Monday 16th – Sunday 22nd). Using a mixture of exhibitions, entertaining talks, feeding demonstrations and fun activities, ‘Shark Week’ aims to dispel many of the popular misconceptions of sharks … Continued

Mantis Shrimp packs a powerful punch

Marine experts at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium are taking no chances with their latest arrival – a trigger-happy peacock mantis shrimp Dubbed the ‘fastest claw in the South’, the shrimp may only be 12 cms from nose to tail but he’s still capable of landing a devastating knockout blow with the equivalent force of a … Continued

Keepers Name Baby Stingrays After 1D

A quintet of baby stingrays are settling in to their new home at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. The southern stingrays were born at the end of September last year and are part of a highly successful captive breeding programme at the attraction’s sister aquarium in Newquay. As part of their ‘UK tour’ the rays were … Continued

January Beach Clean

AQUARIUM APPEALING FOR NEW YEAR BEACH CLEAN HELPERS   Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is appealing for volunteers to take part in a New Year beach clean. Staff from Blue Reef have organised the event for Saturday, January 10th on the stretch of beach beside the aquarium and they’re hoping to attract a large number of … Continued

Diving Santa!

SANTA TAKES THE PLUNGE AT BLUE REEF AQUARIUM   A scuba-diving Santa Claus took time off from preparing for Christmas by taking the plunge at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium.  The fearless Father Christmas was joined by one of his elf helpers as they donned scuba gear and entertained surprised visitors to the Rock-a-Nore Road attraction.  The … Continued

Aquarium Jelly Babies

AQUARIUM AWASH WITH JELLY BABIES Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is awash with dozens of baby jellyfish.  The horde of moon and upside down jellyfish were donated by other UK aquariums to form part of captive breeding programmes at the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction.  Moon jellyfish get their name from the four purplish ‘half moons’ on … Continued

Tiny Terrors at Aquarium

A quartet of tiny terrors is set to go on display in Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium’s Jungle Room. The Rock-a-Nore Road attraction is looking after a pair of juvenile imperial scorpions along with two baby Chilean rose tarantulas. The new arrivals are part of their newly-expanded Jungle Room feature which is home to a variety … Continued

Deeply Creepy Halloween Fun

Two of Hastings’ most popular visitor attractions are getting in a mischievous mood for a deeply creepy Halloween half term. Running from Monday, October 27th to Friday, October 31st visitors to both Smugglers Adventure and Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium will be able to join in ghostly goings-on and spooky trails. Blue Reef are running a … Continued

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