Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Matchmaking Chameleons

Keepers at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium are aiming to play matchmaker to a pair of shy chameleons. Staff at the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction are hoping the pair of Jackson’s chameleons will hit it off after moving in to their new home at the aquarium earlier this month. The pair, named Samuel L and Glenda, … Continued

Big Bellies On Show Along The Seafront

A group of captive-bred big belly seahorses has gone on public display at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. The 20-strong colony were born at the Rock-a-Nore Road attraction’s sister aquarium in Bristol and are part of a new seahorse breeding programme. They are members of what’s thought to be the largest species of seahorse in the … Continued

Big Daddy Ray Joins Offspring

A giant southern stingray has joined his offspring at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium. Earlier this year a quintet of captive-bred baby stingrays were donated to the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction by their sister Blue Reef Aquarium in Newquay. Now the babies’ father, who measures more than a metre across, has also made the long journey … Continued

Mantis Shrimp packs a powerful punch

Marine experts at Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium are taking no chances with their latest arrival – a trigger-happy peacock mantis shrimp Dubbed the ‘fastest claw in the South’, the shrimp may only be 12 cms from nose to tail but he’s still capable of landing a devastating knockout blow with the equivalent force of a … Continued

Aquarium Jelly Babies

AQUARIUM AWASH WITH JELLY BABIES Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is awash with dozens of baby jellyfish.  The horde of moon and upside down jellyfish were donated by other UK aquariums to form part of captive breeding programmes at the Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction.  Moon jellyfish get their name from the four purplish ‘half moons’ on … Continued

Tiny Terrors at Aquarium

A quartet of tiny terrors is set to go on display in Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium’s Jungle Room. The Rock-a-Nore Road attraction is looking after a pair of juvenile imperial scorpions along with two baby Chilean rose tarantulas. The new arrivals are part of their newly-expanded Jungle Room feature which is home to a variety … Continued

Baby Shark Gets A Name!

Aquarists at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium have picked a name for their newly-arrived blacktip reef shark with the help of younger visitors. The Rock-a-Nore Road wildlife attraction invited youngsters to choose a suitable name for the baby shark. They received close to 50 suggestions and have spent the past week sifting through entries before picking … Continued

Baby Shark Needs Naming

Hastings Blue Reef Aquarium is asking youngsters to come up with a name for their newly-arrived baby blacktip reef shark. The tropical shark, which is less than a year old and measures just 60 centimetres in length, is settling in well to his new home in the aquariums giant ocean display. He has formed a … Continued

Bizarre Hovercraft Fish!

A bizarre cowfish, which resembles an armour-plated box and spits water when it’s hungry, has gone on display at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium.  The exotic species is also known by a bewildering number of different common names including the humpack turretfish, the helmet boxfish and the camel cowfish.  It is found from East Africa to … Continued

Rare Babies on Display

Eight rare fish babies have gone on display in a special nursery tank at Hastings’ Blue Reef Aquarium – complete with its own sea urchins. The Banggai cardinal fish have all been captive bred, however in the wild the babies spend a lot of their early lives among the long spines of a sea urchin … Continued

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